Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Guilty Pleasures.

-sleeping in.
-taking long hot showers. i mean loooong. and hotttttt. (um woops kinda sounds dirty)
-buying too many shoes.
-wearing sweatpants.
-doing nothing.
-stalking blogs.
-being nosy.
-hearing the latest jucy gossip.
-buying things I don't need every time I go to target or walmart or meijer or...anywhere.
-fast food. ugh.
-taking naps.
-reality tv, any and all. It's so stupid but I get so sucked in..like cry and shit.
-cookies. esp otis spunkmeyers. he's the man.
-tequila sunrises.
-staying up late.
-not saying no.
-driving my SUV all over the world like it gets good gas mileage. BAH!
-dancing. all. night. long.
-rap music.
-babies.even strangers.. is that ok? like I'll be in public somewhere and someones baby will be crying & I always say "I think that baby wants me to hold him/her" HAHA. and I would so help the mom/dad/whoever out and do it. but I'm sure they would not think that was normal. whatevs. I <3 babies. I mean I would give him/her back!
-lifetime movies. you know you agree.
-celebrity mags.
-buying clothes, just because somethings "so freaking cute"
-driving around and looking at peoples houses. is that weird? example: when I used to work at daycare me and the girl I worked with would write down kids addresses and go see what their house looked like. Not because we were judgemental. Just curious. I don't know why. It has never changed what I thought or how I felt about a person. I guess I'm just nosy. or weird. whichever.

**Swears on my hairs I'm not a creeper! haha.

What are some of your guilty pleasures??

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