Monday, April 4, 2011

Day Two:

I know. I've already been slacking with the 30 days but it's fine right? Moving along with day2.


Bob & Sandy. They are amazingggg.
Dad grew up in a family of 10. Yup that's bobby as they all still call him. presh)
Holy smokes, i know.
aaaaand they lived in a house with 4 bedrooms and 1 yes ONE bathroom! whaaaat. kidding me? Can you imagine?
Anyways, dad met mom while they were both working at KFC. smexy right? Strangely enough my moms sister actually wanted to date my had a huge crush on him. woooops...bob liked sandy.
They married young, dad at 21 mom at 19.
Dad was in the air force and they were stationed in New Mexico when my sister was 3. had sister aprox 9 months after wedding. bah.
My brother was born out there. On the day the space craft thing(anyone know what I'm talking about??) landed in the desert..idk it was in 1982...before me...
Ok got off subject.
So dad went to school after air force at Embry Riddle in Florida..they moved back to Cincinnati and dad landed an awesome job at GE where he has now worked for almost 30 years.

Mom grew up in a family of 8. that's!.sister.sister.
Mom grew up a little less chaotic than dad. It was more Leave it To Beaver style.
Mom was lucky enough to stay at home with us. She rocked at it. Made us a hot breakfast every.single.morning.
Like still makes my youngest brother bear hot breakfast and he is 17 years old.
She started working part time at our private elementary school when my youngest brother was in maybe 2nd or 3rd grade. She was there for 5?ish years.
She now works as a legal secretary for a local attorney and really really enjoys it.
My parents both rock. Really they do. They've gone through some hard hard times and I am sure it hasn't been easy raising 5 kids. The fact that they are still madly in love makes me so happy. Our family is definitely blessed.
I hope & pray that someday I will still be married to the love of my life after 33 years and be as happy as they are.
Props to you, mom & dad!

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